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  • Acrobacia y pantomima se dieron la mano en Dodo’s Dream, un espectáculo de circo-teatro y humor gestual de entrañables personajes enmarcados en un universo tan poético como nostálgico, todo un canto a la belleza de los sueños. Aquí la acrobacia aérea protagonizó el número final para dejar al público sin palabras, la máxima que había seguido una historia llena de romanticismo en la que una muñeca fue cobrando vida con las ilusiones de su creador. De sus movimientos mecánicos iniciales fue evolucionando hasta dejarnos un baile en el trapecio que arrancó la ovación. Maria Espeso, Diario de Ávila, Sept, 2017

  • Le couple anglais du «Circle of two» a séduit un public qui s'est massé en nombre place du Marché au Bois.[...] Ce spectacle intitulé «Bambolina & Dodo» a conjugué humour, poésie et magie pendant vingt minutes de retour à l’enfance. ('Quand le geste prend corps au Festival Mimos', Le Blog de Jean-Noël Cuénod, Ecrivain et journaliste libre Paris-Léman, rédacteur en chef de La Cité, August 2012)


  •  Entre le cinéma muet et le numéro de clown, Bambolina et Dodo offrent une parenthèse comique enchantée sur fond d'histoire d'amour entre le “maître” et sa créature. Le spectacle à peine achevé, on voudrait déjà donner un deuxième tour de clé à la poupée à remonter. (Dordogne Libre, August 2012. France) 


  • Des Nachts erwacht "Bambolina" zum Leben und klettert hoch auf eine Schaukel, um ihren schlafenden Spieler im Mondschein mit einem glitzernden Zauberpulver zu bestäuben. In dem Moment, als das funkelnde Pulver langsam rieselt, hätte man eine Stecknadel fallen hören können. (Frankfurter Neue Press, December 2012. GERMANY)


  • To describe Circle of Two as an acrobatic mime act would be selling them rather short. Here we saw a set-up character arriving on stage with a marionette style, human music box statue. The coquettish persona comes across, as she searches for love among members of the audience. This was classic imaginative mime, married with old revue style sophisticated cabaret. (The Stage, June 2011. UK) 


  • The words 'charming' and 'poetic' best describe this highly original number which owes much to the ability of both artistes to remain in character throughout and also to the use of attractive props and costumes. This was certainly a most appropriate item for a Christmas programme, with its echoes of the Pinocchio and Gepetto story and of the Nutcracker and Coppelia ballets... (The King Pole Magazine, March 2011, UK and IRELAND)


  • "Mekanisk dukke" var Benneweis' topnummer: Men så kom hele aftenens højdepunkt, Bambolina & Dodo, manden med sin mekaniske dukke, der dog var en kvinde af kød og blod. Et nummer i absolut verdensklasse. illerød Posten, March 2009, DENMARK)


  • Totalement inscrit dans la poésie enfantine, ce récit est le pretexte à un numéro d'automate très réussi où le talent des artistes se nourrit merveilleusement de l'art mimique et de la comédie. Une fable qui déclenche les rires et l'émerveillement des petits et l'émotion des plus grands! (Magazine du Cirque et de l'Illusion, February 2009, FRANCE)


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  • The Circle of Two is one of the best 'speciality acts' I've booked in recent years. The skill level is terrific but it's also really charming. Very special!  - Stewart Collins, Artistic Director of Henley Festival



  • It is always a great pleasure to watch these two supremely professional artists at work. Their meticulous attention to detail in performance, costume and presentation is quite stunning. Dodo’s Dream tells a tender and touching story, beautifully presented using classical theatre and circus skills. The audience loved it and cheered and clapped with delight!- Dave Buxton, Artistic Director of Devizes Outdoor Celebratory Arts



  • Our Hackney audience was thrilled by the show. I have had a non stop stream of compliments about how wonderful it all was. You turned a very big space into a magical environment and enlivened our ceiling. - Andrew Coombs, director of the Hackney Children's Theatre

  • I thought Bambolina & Dodo was brilliant. You brought lots of colour to everyone’s day. Watching everyone interact with you was amazing and the laughter never stopped, so thank you for making my job very easy. It’s been a pleasure to work with you.-Rachel Feneley, programmer at the Lakeside International Children’s Theatre Festival, 2011

  • I saw your performance on the Independence of the Seas on 24/08/12 and was totally amazed. The best cabaret show I've seen for many years. Many thanks for a superb performance, could not have had a better end to the cruise. Thanks again - Celia Doherty, audience member



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